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Fluke Biomedical LANDAUER RaySafe


Helps people avoid unnecessary radiation

Using radiation in medicine saves lives, but could also cause cancer.
When using radiation, the advantage must always be greater than the potential risk.

RaySafe offers innovative and user-friendly products to keep radiation exposure at a minimum (ALARA=AS Low As Reasonably Achievable), thereby supporting patient and staff safety.


X2 System

Diagnostic X-ray

Quality assurance and service of diagnostic imaging X-ray equipment.

i3 front view

Real-time Staff Dosimetry (RTSD)


Dose monitoring solution for real-time radiation insight.

452 versions

Radiation Survey Meters


Survey meters for radiation detection.

For more information or to speak to an expert, fill out the form!

If you would like to know more about RaySafe instrumentation, our product experts are here to help. Fill out the form and someone will give you a call to answer your questions.