Yes, the RaySafe 452 is suitable for long-term measurements.
Some tips to consider:
- Position the RaySafe 452 with the round, flat surface towards the potential radiation source. There is a tripod screw thread at the end of the handle that can be used for fixed positioning.
- The battery lasts for up to 100 hours. Connect the supplied charger for sessions longer than that.
- After powered on for 24 hours, the instrument automatically stores a measurement and starts a new one. You are notified about the start of a new measurement with a symbol on the screen. Press the center button to confirm.
- The instrument has a one-second resolution dose rate log with a capacity of up to 10 days. If you need a one-second resolution log for a longer period, you can import and store the measurements in RaySafe View (PC software), for example on a weekly basis. Alternatively, you can perform the measurements with the instrument connected to a computer running RaySafe View. Then, the one-second resolution is not restricted in time, since all measurements are automatically imported to RaySafe View. As a bonus, the battery in the RaySafe 452 is charged from the computer.
Note: There is no auto save functionality in RaySafe View, why we recommend you to manually save the RaySafe View file every now and then to avoid loss of data.