Why Real-time Dosimetry is Important

Personal protection equipment (PPE) has been available for years to help protect medical professionals against ionizing radiation. Most of the time, it consists of heavy protection garments and shields. While these are effective, being able to monitor radiation exposure in real time takes protection to a whole new level.
“Dosimetry is the study, measurement, method of measurement, or instrument of measurement of radiation dose. Dosimetry often refers to the status of wearing a personnel badge that measures and monitors dose. It may also refer to dose history and the records where dose history is maintained."
FPO – Personal dosimeters
For a medical professional, dosimetry provides feedback on radiation exposure. There are several types of dosimetry, including dosimeters that monitor exposure and products that provide exposure data in real time. Dosimeters that monitor exposure collect data over a period of time, often a month, after which data is read and analyzed. The individual is then notified about their exposure level and action is taken if the exposure exceeds legal limits.
Real-time dosimetry, such as RaySafe i3, visualizes the effect of radiation protection during procedures, letting the users know when they should adjust their behavior to reduce exposure. As the exposure levels are updated immediately, the users will get instant feedback on which adjustments actually make a difference. Additionally, the system saves measurement data second by second, for each user, which enables detailed post-procedure analysis. Real-time dosimetry and dosimetry monitoring systems should both be used. The former lets medical professionals adjust their behavior to reduce dose, which will show in the reports coming out of the latter.
Watch for more blogs from us on ALARA and how to reduce radiation exposure. See how the RaySafe i3 Real-time Dosimeter can help you monitor and adjust behavior to reduce radiation exposure.