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Fluke Biomedical LANDAUER RaySafe

Service Request

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Select system and parts
Product Image for Raysafe X2
Product image for RaySafe Xi
Product image for RaySafe X2 Solo
Product image for RaySafe Solo
Product image for RaySafe ThinX
Product image for RaySafe DXR+
Product image for RaySafe i2
Product image for RaySafe i3
Product image for RaySafe 452
Product image for Fluke Biomedical IDA-6
Choose System

Choose your system to the left. If your RaySafe device is not listed here, please contact our Customer Service team for further information.

Enter Serial Numbers
Product image for RaySafe Xi
Product image for RaySafe Xi R/F & MAM detector
Product image for RaySafe Xi R/F detector
Product image for RaySafe Xi MAM detector
Product image for RaySafe RaySafe Xi CT detector
Product image for RaySafe RaySafe Xi Light Detector
Product image for RaySafe Xi Survey Detector
Product image for RaySafe Xi Scanning MAM Detector
Product image for RaySafe Xi Transparent Detector
Product image for RaySafe Solo
Product image for RaySafe Solo Detector
Product image for RaySafe X2
Product image for RaySafe X2 R/F Sensor
Product image for RaySafe X2 MAM Sensor
Product image for RaySafe X2 CT Sensor
Product image for RaySafe X2 Light Sensor
Product Image for Raysafe X2 Survey Sensor
Product Image for Raysafe X2 Volt Sensor
Product image for RaySafe X2 DENT
Product image for RaySafe ThinX
Product image for RaySafe X2 Solo
Product image for RaySafe X2 Solo DENT
Product image for RaySafe X2 Solo R/F
Product image for RaySafe i2
Product image for RaySafe i3
Product image for RaySafe i2 Dosimeter
Product image for RaySafe i3 Dosimeter
Product image for RaySafe Unfors Luxi
Product image for RaySafe Unfors Luxi Light Detector
Product image for RaySafe Unfors EDD-30
Product image for RaySafe Unfors Mult-O-Meter
Product image for RaySafe Unfors NED
Product image for RaySafe Unfors PSD
Product image for RaySafe RaySafe DXR+
Product image for RaySafe 452
Product image for Air Kerma lid for the RaySafe 452
Product image for Ambient lid for the RaySafe 452
Please note:
452 units are calibrated by our service center in Sweden. Expected turnaround time is 10-20 days.

If you have the full version of the RaySafe 452 which includes two lids, one for air kerma and one for ambient dose equivalent, please make sure that both lids are included.
Product image for Fluke Biomedical IDA-6
Product image for IDA-6 module
Product image for IDA-6 module
Product image for IDA-6 module
Product image for IDA-6 module

If you are sending in more than four channels, please add additional serial numbers in the comments.


Biomedical plans

Request Type
Select this option if you are participating in the Fluke Biomedical Protect+ program.
Select this option for a complete system calibration (without a service program).
Select this option if the device is still under warrranty.

RaySafe plans

Request Type
Select this option if you are not currently a member of the RaySafe Service Program and wish to participate. The product includes adjustment and calibration, product enhancements, preventive maintenance, faster turn-around time and extended hardware warranty.
Select this option if you are participating in the annual RaySafe Service Program.
Select this option for a complete system calibration (without a RaySafe Service Program).
Check this option if you have experienced any problems with your instrument. Please describe the issue below.

Information on assessment of compliance with specification

Information on assessment of compliance with specification*


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Select upgrades and buy additional detectors



Upgrade of X2 Base Unit to enable invasive mA and mAs measurements.
Upgrade of X2 Base Unit to enable invasive mA and mAs measurements.
Upgrade your RaySafe 452 Ambient or Air Kerma version to the full version fo the instrument to enable measurements of Sv, rem, Gy, R, rad, cps, cpm.
Get HVL and Total Filtration simultaneously with the other parameters.


Product image for RaySafe X2 R/F Sensor Multi-parameter sensor with stacked diodes including calibration certificates.
Product image for RaySafe X2 MAM Sensor Multi-parameter sensor with stacked diodes. Direct dose and HVL on Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh,Mo/Al, W/Rh, W/Ag, W/Al, Mo/Cu, Rh/Cu,W/Cu. kVp on Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh, W/Ag, W/Al. Supports scanning mammography. Calibration certificates are included.
Product image for RaySafe X2 CT Sensor Pencil shaped CT sensor 100 mm for dose, dose length product, dose rate and time X2 R/F Sensor measurements including certificates.
Product image for RaySafe X2 Light Sensor Luminance and illuminance sensor including calibration certificates.
Product Image for Raysafe X2 Survey Sensor The versatile X2 Survey sensor is primarily used to perform leakage and scatter measurements in diagnostic X-ray applications. It is based on an energy compensated silicon diode array.
Product Image for Raysafe X2 Volt Sensor The X2 Volt sensor.


Product image for RaySafe i2 dosimeter
Product image for RaySafe i3 dosimeter

RaySafe Luxi Detectors

Product image for Unfors Luxi light detector
Product image for RaySafe DXR+ An easy tool for X-ray and light field alignment.

There are no upgrades available for the IDA6.


Request type


Purchase accessories


Product image for RaySafe vacuum holder Detector holder with suction cup for various placements. Attached with a flexible arm and compatible with parts from 1902030 and 1902014.
Product image for RaySafe Xi/Solo detector holder Detector holder for easy placement of a detector in a bucky or on an image intensifier.
Product image for RaySafe Xi GE R/F detector holder Detector holder which adapts to the holder provided by GE on radiography machines.
Product image for RaySafe Xi GE mammo detector holder Detector holder which adapts to the holder provided by GE on mammography machines. Measurement position will be identical to ion-chamber measurements.
Product image for RaySafe Xi vascular holder GE Detector holder for RaySafe Xi/Solo detector which is adapted to the holders provided by GE on angiography machines. Measurement position will be identical to ion-chamber measurements. Aluminum rods are not included.
Product image for RaySafe X2 Suction Cup Holder Detector holder for RaySafe Xi/Solo detector which is adapted to the holders provided by GE on angiography machines. Measurement position will be identical to ion-chamber measurements. Aluminum rods are not included.
Product image for RaySafe Xi/Solo OPG holder Magnetic holder for the detector incl. positioning device with fluoro screen, gafchromic film and metal plate.
Product image for Gafchromic film XR-QA2 Extra sheets of gafchromic film to be used together with RaySafe Xi/Solo OPG holder (1902025).
Product image for RaySafe Xi FPD holder Toshiba Detector holder which centers the position of the RaySafe R/F detector on Toshiba flat panel detector systems; 8x8, 12x12, 16x12 and Kalare. RaySafe Xi Storm case - Toshiba (1922033) has an adapted inlay to fit this detector holder.
Product image for RaySafe Xi/Solo cassette holder 24x30 cm cassette holder to position the detector in a bucky.
Product image for RaySafe Xi/Solo flexi stand For positioning the RaySafe Xi/Solo R/F, MAM and CT detectors for various applications. It comes with top, bottom, two rods, a detector holder, a flexi coupling, two rubber squares and a 1/4” camera adapter.
Product image for RaySafe Xi Sectra detector holder Detector holder for easy placement when measuring on Sectra mammography systems. To be used with RaySafe Xi scanning detector.
Product image for RaySafe X2 vacuum holder Sensor holder with suction cup for various placements. Attached with a flexible arm and compatible with parts from X2 flexi stand.
Sensor holder for easy placement of the X2 MAM Sensor when measuring on Scanning MAM, (e.g. Philips Microdose)
Product image for RaySafe X2 flexi stand Flexible stand and sensor holder for positioning X2 sensors.


Product image for RaySafe Xi Storm case Heavy duty, waterproof case with customized interior to fit all currently available RaySafe Xi detectors and the RaySafe flexi stand. * If replacing the standard aluminium case of the RaySafe Xi or RaySafe Solo to a Storm case at time of purchase.
Product image for RaySafe Xi Storm case with PC inlay Storm case with customized interior with space for the RaySafe Xi system and a dedicated space of 275 x 200 x 50 mm,(10.8 x 7.8 x 2.0 inches) for a small laptop or netbook. * If replacing the standard aluminium case of the RaySafe Xi or RaySafe Solo to a Storm case at time of purchase.
Product image for RaySafe Xi Storm case Toshiba Storm case with customized interior for a complete RaySafe Xi system, the RaySafe FPD holder Toshiba and space for a Toshiba specific phantom. * If replacing the standard aluminium case of the RaySafe Xi or RaySafe Solo to a Storm case at time of purchase.
Product image for RaySafe Xi standard case The standard RaySafe Xi aluminium case with space for a complete RaySafe Xi system and the RaySafe Xi/Solo flexi stand. ** If replacing the standard RaySafe Solo aluminium case to a RaySafe Xi aluminium case at time of purchase
Product image for RaySafe Solo standard case The standard RaySafe Solo case has space for the different RaySafe Solo systems and fits the RaySafe OPG holder. The RaySafe flexi stand cannot fit in this case.
Product image for RaySafe X2 storm case Heavy duty, waterproof case with custom inlay for a complete X2 system.
Product image for RaySafe X2 standard case Lockable aluminium case with customized inlay.
Product image for RaySafe 452 Heavy Duty case

Communication and connection

Product image for RaySafe Xi light GX adapter for Philips I.I A Gx adapter for Philips image intensifiers. Connects to the RaySafe Xi light detector. The detector nedds to be initiated with the Gx menu at the time of purchase of the Gx adapter.
Product image for RaySafe Xi mAs Rectifier For mA/mAs measurements on equipment with an AC mA waveform.
Product image for RaySafe Xi/Solo bluetooth serial adapter Adapter that fits to the serial port of the RaySafe Xi/Solo base unit for Wireless communication to PC via Bluetooth.
Product image for RaySafe Xi power supply Power supply to be used with the RaySafe Xi/Solo base units.
Product image for RaySafe USB serial adapter It converts the communication port from USB to RS232 serial interface.
Product image for RaySafe USB cable 2mUSB to USB micro for sensor and PC connections.
Product image for USB cable 5mUSB to USB micro for sensor and PC connections.
Product image for USB cable 5m extenderUSB male to USB female active extender to enable 10 m long sensor cable.
Product image for RaySafe Power supplyInternational power supply 12V including the most common power plugs.
Product image for RaySafe X2 Volt Banana ConnectorsBNC to banana connector cable.
Product image for RaySafe X2 Volt 10:1 ProbeAttenuates the voltage signal by a factor of 10.


Product image for RaySafe Head and body CT PMMA kit in Storm case Head and body phantom in frosted PMMA for CTDI measurements. The body phantom has a diameter of 32 cm and 4 holes. The head phantom has a diameter of 16 cm and 5 holes. Delivered in a wheel carried, heavy duty Storm case with interior to also fit a RaySafe Xi R/F and CT detector. PMMA material with density 1.19g/cm3.
Product image for RaySafe RaySafe P Fluoro phantom


Product image for HVL filter set MAM/RAD 90x90 mm 99.5 % Al filter set (1 pc 2mm, 2 pcs 1mm, 2 pcs 0.5 mm, 5 pcs 0.1 mm).
Product image for HVL filter set RAD DENT 90x90 mm 99.5 % Al filter set (1 pc 2 mm, 2 pcs 1 mm, 2 pcs 0.5 mm)
Product image for RaySafe HVL filter set with high purity 100x100 mm 99.999% Al filter set (6 pcs 0.1 mm). Individually measured thickness is noted on each filter with a tolerance of 5%.

IDA-6 Accessories

Product image for Fluke Biomedical Barcode scanner Barcode Scanner, C750, Corded/Bluetooth/2.4G Wireless.
Product image for Fluke Biomedical IDA-6 adapter kit IDA-6 Adapter Kit (US, EUROPE, AUSTRALIA AND UK) .
Product image for Fluke Biomedical Barcode IDA-6 silicone tubing Silicone tubing
Product image for Fluke Biomedical USB-C cable USB-C Data Transfer Cable.
Product image for Fluke Biomedical Wifi adapter Wi-Fi Adapter Connector, Micro-Ribbon, USB Adapter, Wi-Fi USB Dongle.


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Customer Details

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